September 11, 2011

Nature and its inspiration.....

Lately there's been lots of work going on in the outdoors around here, preparing a property for sale.  You know what I'm talking about.  Mowing, weed spraying, whipper snippering, pruning, mulching and everything inbetween.  While we've been doing this, we've noticed many beautiful colours and textures which are inspiring our current colour pallete.

After the cold, dark, dreariness of winter, it's amazing how those first few bursts of colour in the garden pop out and capture your attention. 

Spring.  Definately my favourite season of the year.


  1. Gorgeous! I'm loving that yellow. Now if we could have some warm sunshine to go with the flowers that would be nice.

  2. Loving that blue skirt Leisa. So, whose selling? You?
