January 28, 2010

Australia Day Weekend Markets......

Australia Day weekend a long weekend? Not for us Mookah chickies, we had a full weekend with a market at Inverloch on Saturday, followed by Foster on Sunday. It was a huge weekend with all the tourists in South Gippy looking for something to spend their tourist dollars on.

The teepee created much interest at Foster, with a few custom orders coming our way. We talked a few of our fellow Melbourne stall holders into making the trek to Foster for the day, including Sophie from Ellani Petite, with her georgous range of hair clips, hairbands etc....

Jacquie and Kim with their range of screen printed maternity tops from Bumblebee Tee's and Jacquie's range of lovely birdies, crayon rolls, kid's aprons, and softies from SewTwee.

Let's not forget Sharon from the gatha with her range of funky shower caps. Now come on, we've all got one, but now they can almost be a fashion accessory, they look so good! You can find Sharon regularly at Inverloch and Foster markets.

Now Brenda from Doki Doki (pictured below) specialises in single colour print screen printed t-shirts for kids, ladies and men. She comes from Yinnar but we try not to hold that against her, and if she looks a little engrossed in her book from time to time, well, that's because she is!

Last but not least, is Carol and Mark with their range of necklaces, pendants and brooches with modern, cute designs that have motivational mantras on the back. I bought myself a little brooch but I'll have to share that with you another time.

Carol amd Mark can be found at Mornington, Flemington, Red Hill, Makers Market and other places around the market traps.

Yay for the local markets! It was nice not to have to drive to Melbourne town for a market for a change. This weekend was even better though...no markets at all.


  1. Hello! I came to check out your basil pesto from Stacey and have just had a major flashback! We went to both markets on our Inverloch holiday. Your goodies were just beautiful. My girls loved your platypuses, or should that be platypi. Over the course of the weekend, we purchased from three of those stall holders you mentioned and were very happy with our purchaes indeed! Lovely markets. We will visit both again next year. Just with more cash on us next time! Great to find your blog too!

  2. I've also popped over from Stacey's. My sister was a stall holder at that market... She sells kids' clothing made from chenille.
    Inverloch is lovely, isn't it? My grandfather lived there for over 30 years and now we have his home as a family holiday house.
