August 19, 2009

My Creative Space....

Today I have decided to join in on My Creative Space over at Kooyotoo and share with you the inside of my (our) creative, productive area, where we make stuff happen! The green Mookah wall might have been a little extravagant, but do you know how excited we were to have our own very real 'studio'? Damn excited! So go with me on this...

I will admit to 'tidying' this shelf just a little before taking this photo, as one half of 'us' is not as tidy as the other, and I am quite open about being a self confessed neat freak at times.

Now I know what you're thinking. "Why is there no work in progress on that great big bench and where are the sewing machines and overlockers?" Well let me tell you. The studio is a converted garage and it's bl**dy freezing out there at the moment, so we have temporarily set up a work space in the 2nd living area. Bring on spring, we can't wait to get back out to our studio, where everything is in the one place!

Today's projects were softies, turtles for me (pictured inside out) and at the back of the bench is a few rabbit arms waiting to be reunited with their long lanky bodies. Neither project has been debuted yet, so you will have to watch this space...or our Etsy Shop for the finished item.


  1. Your space is really beautiful! I'd have gone all out with the wall too.

  2. No way is that wall extravagant. It is FABULOUS. And it must be so inspiring. But how frustrating to have such a great space... that is cold! Hang in there, Spring is a comin'!

    PS. I love those 3 wise monkies!

  3. You are soooo lucky! I love that colour green, does it make you feel happy whilst you are working away? it would make me happy :-) I hope it gets warmer for you soon though

  4. Won't be long now and you will be complaining about the heat.

  5. I ♥ your creative space! I am soooo jealous! The wall is gorgeous - not OTT at all!

  6. I am very envious of your studio ... it is completely fabulous. I hope the weather warms up a bit soon, so you can go back in.

    PS. I dont think the beautiful green Mookah wall was an extravagance at all - after all, if it wasn't there it would probably be a lot colder and the roof would be a bit lopsided (see I can justify almost anything!)

  7. What a great space ! You sure look more organised than me .
