The plan was to get on the road and drive, drive, drive til we got tired. We were aiming for at least Albury, and pulled into McDonalds at Glenrowan for a quick food and coffee fix. While there we blinded Michelle from Crayon Chick with our headlights as we pulled out and she pulled in. It's a small world.

Ah, you've gotta love watching the sun rise up over the hills and the spectacular display it creates as those first rays shine down on the foggy valleys.

It's not all fun, we did find some time to check and send some emails, do some research, oh and yeah, do some tweeting, cos that's important right?

What is it with those oversized animals in big country towns? Are they trying to make us feel sorry for them so that we stop? If so, then it worked.

We had never been into Goulburn but decided we would stop to get a coffee fix, stretch our legs and check out the local op shops since we were travelling so well. You know what I really liked about Goulburn? They had a special car park reserved just for us, a 'Reserved for Long Vehicles' space a perfect size for a car and trailer. Trust me, it's often not easy to find a car park when you've got a trailer tailing your ass.

See how happy that car space made me?

Someone really should have told me of the Goulburn dress code...I felt terribly out of place. Next time I'll make sure I wear my long flowing orange number too.

This is the spot on the back wall of the event that we had to relocate to in the downpour. It was crazy with customers, staff, and other retailers all grabbing our product and helping to move it to somewhere dry. Thanks to all those that helped, including Nic and Metka for helping us to find a reasonable solution to the problem!

While we felt a little 'out there on our own' in our new position, it allowed us to face down toward everyone else in the venue and check out what was going on.

Our new penguin softie was an absolute hit, selling out half way through the 2nd day. Note he isn't pictured? I'm saving it for another post, tomorrow!

Thanks Sydney for liking our stuff, we hope to see you again in November, at the same place on the 12th - 14th. We will have a few new items to introduce you to by then. A special thanks also to Sophie from Ellani Petite and Nat from A Skulk of Foxes for giving us a few very fun and memorable evenings!
Hilarious! Each roadstop break I took on the way home I looked around to see if I knew anyone! Glad to see you got home ok. See you at the next market!